香港恒晖(控股)有限公司中国大陆总部位于广东省东莞市,是一家集研发、制造、销售和国际贸易为一体的大型综合性集团公司。公司以特种印刷机械和配套材料为支柱产业,延伸至印刷加工、电子产品、塑胶产品、智能卡等多个行业,并成为特种印刷行业首家通ISO9001 2000版的企业,同时,公司还是中国丝网印刷协会、中国网印及制像协会常务理事单位。 公司成立20余年来,陆续推出了恒晖牌(SuperPrimex)、天地牌(Toprintt)、盈晖牌(SEB)移印机、丝印机、烫印机、涡旋式空压机.周边设备等丰富的产品系列,配套独家代理的玛莱宝(Marabu)油墨、高氏(Coates)油墨、阿波罗(Apllo)杜比(Dubuit)油墨、T3网纱、威思(Watts)和奥拉(ORA)胶刮、易玲珑(Ulano)感光材料等多种印刷材料,恒晖公司已成为行业内最大、最齐全的供应商乏一,通过全国各地100多家和海外40余家经销服务网点,广大用户可以享受到恒晖提供的最便捷和齐全的售前、售后服务。 2003年,公司在完成机器新一代升级之后,又在加大研发力度,并将陆续推出30余款专用移印、丝印、烫印设备,迸一步满足用户的多样化需求,与此同时,公司对相关行业的延伸也有了新的突破。 英文: EVER BRIGHT PRINTING MACHINE FTY.LTD. is the main subsidiary company of EVER BRIGHT GROUP INT.LTD., which manufactures Special Printing Machines, Electronics, Plastics and provides Printing Service. It is based in Hong Kong with its main factories in china and has been researching and manufacturing Special Printing Machines since 1983. EVER BRIGHT PRINTING MACHINE FTY.LTD. has been the first company in passing the ISO9002 certification in its domestic industry in 1998 and more recently, the ISO9001 (2000 Version).The products also comply with CE safety standard. Moreover, it is a member of SGIA and a council member of CSGIA. Ever Bright’s brand name is SUPER PRIMEX, which covers a wide range of Special Printing Machines including Pad Printing Machines (58 models), Screen Printing Machines (28 models), Hot Stamping Machines & Heat Transfer Machine (25 models) and Printing Peripherals (36 models). Ever Bright also produces high quality Printing Accessories, such as Heat Transfer and Water Transfer foils at a very reasonable price. Moreover, EVER BRIGHT PRINTING MACHINE FTY.LTD. Welcomes OEM and ODM projects in order to manufacture specific machines for its customers.